Thursday, February 2, 2017

Catching up

Well its been awhile since I posted but I decided it was time to start documenting my story again! Soon much as happened Josh and I got MARRIED! Love being married to my best friend. We purchased our first home in McKinney! We love being so close to family and just last April we welcomed sweet Lizzie into our home. She is amazing! We both have gotten new jobs, then advancement in those jobs. We just loving life. No doubt things get crazy and busy but we truly enjoy our life and our little family. Here are just a few pictures from our journey.

We were told that the baby may not take due to a large cyst on one of my ovaries, but she stayed.
Sleep but oh so happy that she arrived in perfect health.
Lizzie was so little 
Our little ninja turtle!
Puffs, puffs and more puffs
Our weekly naps, since I work we nap most weekends together! 


Cassidy Ann

Cassidy Ann
My sweet baby girl Cassidy 11-3-2011